Peer Review Process

IICACS is a double-blind and peer-reviewed journal. Every article submitted to IICACS for publication is subject to peer review. A peer review is an article evaluation conducted by two experts in the field of art with the same perspective field as the article author. It aims to determine the suitability of academic orientation for publication. The peer-review method is useful for maintaining quality standards and giving credibility to articles published in this journal.

1. Submission of Article

Authors who wish to submit an article to journals must go through an online system supported by the Open Journal System (OJS). However, to facilitate the authors, IICACS also temporarily accepts article submissions via email.

2. Editorial Assessment

An IICACS editor first assesses every article submitted. The editor checks the compatibility of the contents of the article with the focus and scope of IICACS. The composition and arrangement of the article must be the following journal writing guidelines to ensure the structural suitability and stylization required. Besides, the assessment also looks at the minimum quality required from the article, including methodological errors. Every article submitted that passes this step will be checked with Turnitin software to identify the content of plagiarism assessed by reviewers. Editor-in-Chief (EIC) checks the suitability of articles with journal orientation. Assessment leads to journal content by questioning originality, interest and significance for publication. If it is not original, exciting and significant, IEC will reject without further review.

3. Request for Review

Editor in Chief (EIC) sends articles to appropriate reviewers according to expertise, proximity to research interests, and there are no conflicts of interest. Reviewers are experts in the field of art who fulfill the requirements and can conduct a fair review. IICACS maintains impartiality in determining double-blind peer reviews. IICACS tries to make reviewers not know the identity of the writer, and the writer does not know the identity of the reviewer. This paper was sent to two reviewers anonymously.

4. Review Implementation

Reviewers take notes to do detailed point-by-point reviews. The review is then submitted to IICACS with recommendations to accept or reject. It may be the reviewer proposes accepting with requests for revision (marked as major or minor) before reconsidering.

5. Journal Evaluates the Reviews

EIC and the editors consider all the reviews from reviewers before deciding to publish the article. If there are differences in reviews between the two reviewers, the EIC or editor can ask additional reviewers to obtain an objective opinion before making a decision.

6. Final Steps

Articles received are immediately finished by the layout editor. The rejected article is sent back to the author for revision, according to the reviewer's notes. The author sent it back after making corrections and revisions. IICACS publishes revised articles according to the reviewer's recommendations. The publication is online by allowing writers and readers who are interested in downloading freely.